Update from Leisure & Culture Dundee on Caird Park Golf Courses
Update: 12/03/2025
On Friday we sent a further email update to all of our Golf Dundee members with more information on the changes you can expect leading up to the closure of Caird Park on April 30th.
If you missed it in your inbox, please click here to read it.
We thank everyone that took part in the recent consultation on Caird Park Golf Courses and understand that the decision to close the courses affects not only our golf membership, golf clubs but also the dedicated staff and the Dundee communities that have supported this course for many years.
Unfortunately, after a thorough review and consultation process, it became clear that due to financial challenges being experienced, that Caird Park Golf Courses could no longer sustain operations.
Declining usage and rising costs due to inflation mean that it is financially challenging for the Council and Leisure & Culture Dundee to operate the course. To put this in context, every single round being played at Caird Park is subsidised by Dundee taxpayers at a cost of £9.10.
We are grateful to all the golfers and everyone who has played Caird Park Golf Courses for the countless memories made over the years.
The courses will remain open until 30 April, 2025, after which we will begin the transition process.
We are committed to helping golfers and our employees through this process and will provide resources and assistance to ease this transition. It is important to note there will be no compulsory redundancies and staff affected will be redeployed.
We have put together these Frequently Asked Questions to assist golf members.
Frequently asked questions
When is the last day the golf courses will be open?
The final day of operation will be April 30, 2025. Please check the Golf Dundee website for the most up-to-date information.
Will there be any changes before April 30, 2025?
No changes to the current service are planned before April 30, 2025. Please check the Golf Dundee website for the most up-to-date information.
What will happen if I pay my membership by Direct Debt
Your direct debit membership will continue as usual, with the last payment due on April 1, 2025. If you wish to cancel your membership before this date, information on the cancellation process is available here.
What will happen if I pay my membership in full for the year?
Your membership will continue for 12 months following the payment date. If this takes you beyond the 30th April, 2025 you will be refunded the relevant amount prior to the closure date.
What happens if I am in my first membership season?
If you are in your first season of membership, you are still liable for all fees remaining until the end of the current season, March 31, 2025.
What happens to my Golf Dundee Club Subscription?
Golf Dundee Club memberships will run as normal until 31st March, 2025. Refunds will be issued pro rata to any club member with a renewal date after this.
What happens if I am currently renting a golf locker?
Locker rentals run out on the 31st March 2025 and will not be renewed past this date. All lockers will remain available through April 2025 with no charge up to the closure on April 30th, 2025 when fobs should be returned to the starters box.
How do I cancel my membership?
Cancellations will be processed as per the Golf Dundee Terms and Conditions. Please complete the cancellation form found at the Golf Dundee Membership page and email it to leisureactive@leisureandculturedundee.com
Who do I contact if I have any further questions?
Please contact the Golf Manager by email at philip.harrison@leisureandculturedundee.com